Not a bad try, but there is much room for improvement here. Not even really improvement, just copying the areas of other shooters that are better. Powerups would be nice, other than just the bombs which were wholly unnecessary and too numerous. Also, the whole thing was rather crude. No instructions (not that they were really necessary I suppose...but it would have been nice) and also I beat the game and "got undefined point". Not even points.
I must say the ship choice was a nice touch, but the large center ship is so ridiculously powerful and superior that the game is a breeze. An unlockable ship would have been nice; it even could have been the very same as the one I just mentioned.
Could have used more enemy variation too. And the bosses were pretty lame and easy. The first one has a that dangerous? His life bar also dropped below 0. And the last boss only got off one attack before i drilled him to death with my overpowered rapid fire.
In the end, there is still the outline of a solid game with nice controls. Many complaints I have, but still nice job.