this is not funny
EDIT: T_T(tears of joy)! i got in the collection! w00t!
Hello thar! i usually work with sprites, but i can't resist madness. I think i did pretty good with the madness design...but hey, you are the judge. P.S. vote five, and please submit to madness day '07 plz plz plz!
this is not funny
prety good
not bad at all i like it
This contains more shots and kills that couple other "Not-so-Good-Madness"-movies.
just another tribute?
i think this is better than the last 10 i saw
it certainly insnt the best ive seen today but at least its not the KK (who by the way make the worst flashes ever) and at least you made something to show your apreciation for krinkles work of art so you get a 2/5