Nice family guy reference. Super cool thumbs up: )
your aim is to make it through the train trying not to get hit by the ticket inspectors or the old grannys..
(note: there are more levels gonna be made for this game if it ranks high)
Nice family guy reference. Super cool thumbs up: )
I suppose that's as good as it gets with Baxter's passed down knowledge ;)
Not bad, but it definately could've been better.
The design was rather good, but what I don't like was how the only ticket booth was at the start of the game, so you may have been better off just giving us 300 HP at the beginning. Although going through with only 200 to start with does offer a bit of a challenge...
I would definitely want to see another level soon.
I am re-visiting this game and going to be adding more levels and fixing up some of the bugs. watch this space :P this was originally a school project so I had planned to do a lot more but ran out of time and never finished it.
Not bad at all
It was a decent game, I can you put the effort into making it.
But it just got a little repetetive after a while.
I'd definatelt play this game again though :)
Hmmm, nt sure how long u hav 2 wait or if i missed something but there were no grannies, ticket inspectors, tickets or money when i played, i was just walking around an empty station. If i missed somethin lemme know but if i didn't fix fix fix.
try goin in to the train, where it is indented, maybe i should of made it more door looking, , good luck :D