Bad effects
Good idea, but the hand looked pretty dumb.
Yeah. I almost forgot to make a WTC flash for 9/11/07. Almost.
Anyway, enjoy, or get mad. Your choice.
Bad effects
Good idea, but the hand looked pretty dumb.
Not funny.
My dad almost died in there 24 floor.
Du bist wirklich saudumm, darum geht's dir gut.
Hass ist deine Attitüde, ständig kocht dein Blut.
Alles muß man dir erklären, weil du wirklich gar nichts weißt.
Höchstwahrscheinlich nicht einmal, was Attitüde heißt.
Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe,
Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit.
Du hast nie gelernt, dich zu artikulieren,
und deine Eltern hatten niemals für dich Zeit.
Warum hast du Angst vorm Streicheln, was soll all der Terz?
Unterm Lorbeerkranz mit Eicheln, weiß ich, schlägt dein Herz,
und Romantik ist für dich nicht bloß graue Theorie,
zwischen Störkraft und den Onkelz, steht 'ne Kuschelrock-LP.
Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe,
Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit.
Du hast nie gelernt, dich zu artikulieren,
und deine Eltern hatten niemals für dich Zeit.
Weil du Probleme hast, die keinen interessieren,
weil du Schiß vorm Schmusen hast, bist du ein Faschist.
Du mußt deinen Selbsthass nicht auf andere projizieren,
damit keiner merkt, was für ein lieber Kerl du bist.
Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe,
Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit.
Du hast nie gelernt, dich artizukulieren,
und deine Freundin, die hat niemals für dich Zeit.
Arschloch! Arschloch! Arschloch!
you gave us the option of enjoying or getting mad
i got mad, respectively
by the way, i'm repulican
Well, the way I see it, doesn't really matter
Because it don't make no sense to all those mad Manhatters
But I do believe that there must come a moment
When even the piggiest pig must get on up and move it
I got this friend named Neil, swears Nixon had a soul
But what I'd like to know is can Giuli do the stroll?
People always ask me, "What's so fucking great about dancing?"
How the fuck should I know? Yeah, even I can barely understand it
But when the music takes over, the music takes control
Here's a message to you, Rudy and you, sir, Mr. Bloomberg
And the rest of you ties-too-tight dudes
Y'all could learn a lesson, by losing inhibitions, yeah
Losing yourself in the music, losing yourself in the moment
Because we have nothing more than this very second
You can't count on the one coming after, no one's sure about the one before
So forget about it, we live here and now, dude, here and now, here and now, here and now
So get on down down down down down down down down down down down down down down
NYC is where the freaks come to be free and if I can't get my freak on see
I'm a hang up Giuliani, he can sick his lackeys on me
But you can't stop a new age dawning
So if you got hips then shake them
And if you got fears forsake them
Giuliani's got his rules but we ain't no fools, let's break them
Let's break them, let's break them down
And on the way we'll make them say
Everybody cut, everybody cut, everybody cut, footloose
for as crappy as it looked, I didn't expect anything good. But it was funny!
Thanks! *posts more lyrics to random !!! songs... yes, there is a band called !!!*
How's this for opening lines?
We'd like to blow your minds
By telling you everything's gonna be fine
We'd like to blow your minds
Pick up the pieces and see what we find
Just don't mention tomorrow
I'll deal with that later
Don't say yesterday
Let's leave that to the haters
Whatever color the sky is fine by me
Whenever the sun rises is fine by me
But when the going gets tough
Then the tough get karazzee
Yeah, let them huff
And let them puff
Cause it doesn't fuckin' phase me
Some people take what they can get
And some people take what they are given
Some people do what they wanna do
And some people just keep on wishing
Some people say that life's a bitch
But I prefer to think that it's bitchin'
I don't look for answers, I just take my chances
I think I feel like dancing
Cause if this don't make you move
Then nothing will
Cause you can learn a lot from sunshine
You can learn a lot from rain
Cutting through the afternoon blue sky
Yeah you can learn a lot from taking your chances/pants off
You could learn a lot of things
From a lot of things really
But if you wanna know the truth
If you wanna know why
The just go up on the roof
And stare at the sky
that was awsome :D lol nice job and peoples take a fucking joke seriously bunch of fucking hippies
Hippies aren't the ones who would get offended. The patriotic Republican angry raving looney conservative freaks are the ones who would get offended.