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Vegas Invader

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Killer birds attack Vegas, you must protect it by shooting them down.
Use your mouse to move your ship left or right. Press left mouse button to shoot, space to activate ship armor.

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I am sorry, but I did not like this game. Hey, another reference to September 11th! Anyway, I could not get into it, because it was too difficult. It annoyed me how you were killed by the enemy falling towards you. It didn't make any sense. Birds wouldn't explode anyway.

I don't think the graphics were all that great either. The sounds were a tad annoying. You do get some points for creativity. It was unique, but not enjoyable. I do like "Space Invaders".


Well it was ok, but nothing revolutionary. The missile problem happens when you take your mouse curser to far from the ship it splits in two which shoots horisontal instead of vertical. You can fix it your self by taking the cursor closser to the ship. I don't know if this is inteded or not, but if it isn't it would be good to be fixed.

Next time try and make something more "serius". By that I mean instead of giant birds shooting egs you could have made it dragons which shot fireballs. The storyline could also have been somewhat better. In generel this was neither revolutionary awesome nor did it make my eyes bleed.

I need frustration to fuel my rage.

seriously did you even try on this? do you play test your shit before submiting?
obviously not. when I clicked the missles didn't go where I was aiming they went to the left or right, and I don't mean by just a little I mean 45 to 180 degrees. I couldn't hit a damn thing. the plot like something a 5yr old would come up with, it made absulotely no sense. then there's the like of orignality. do you realize how many games there are like this that actually work? the only thing that has any potential to be decent on this game is the graphics. however the ship was was twitching like an ADHD kid on crack so I couldn't really tell.

Try harder...

This game was pretty bad, it was nothing special and theres no fun with it. And also it didnt work correctly, you where unable to shoot some times. keep trying and come up with some new ideas.

Credits & Info

1.38 / 5.00

Sep 11, 2007
10:02 AM EDT