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Ok, this is it's third submission. I stripped it down to the AS and worked out ALL the bugs(exept the ones flash put in there for some reason. Unfixable, sorry!) If you've played this before, the code is "5". Story attched. In case you didn't get that, the inpout box on the main screen, put the number five in it and see what happens. Cheat! Anyway, I decided to make the ending a little 3-D-ish, So I added maskes,yadayadayada. Anyway, enjoy!

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I get that you may have put a lot of work into it but it's not NEARLY enough and you know it. Gameplay is too narrow-minded and often buggy, graphics would have been better if you had just aimlessly scrawled something, no upgrades, doesn't get harder, only gets worse and worse,though I don't see just HOW that's possible. I've been there, I've used flash trying to make a game, but you don't just post your stuff on the internet just because stuff MOVE. Waste of time, if nothing else. Take tutorials, practise and most importantly, have other people on board if you want to make a decent game. Noone makes a 10/10 game all by themselves and you shouldn't be proud of putting your name on the credits page of this kinda stuff even if you've made it single-handedly. I don't mean to disencourage you but don't make games if you're not gonna make them worthy of playing. Keep your games to yourself until they're good and likeable.


SUCKKKKKKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouldn't even have to explain why it sucked......... stop making games!!!!!!!


I thought it was just find its simple and doesnt have many controls


hate it.


Graphics really need an upgrade here.
Even one flash you can do better and you damn well know it.
Ask around and someone is bound to be able to help you with basic sprite art.

Music obviously needs a change from this monotone WC crud, no offence to WC lovers.

And the gameplay could use some help, such as the bug where you can't kill the guys who spawn up on the top most row.

A bit of possible upgrades, or an aiming reticle? Though it's simple enough to figure out when to shoot it's a pain in the end.

Credits & Info

1.78 / 5.00

Sep 8, 2007
9:32 AM EDT