Pretty cool game good work on this
This is an experiment in creating a program that can edit text and change it's settings through a drop-down menu. The main and obvious flaw is that you can not edit certain segments of text, only the text as a whole. Still, it was hard to make and I hope you like it. It isn't exactly a game, but there was no good category that it fit in.
Pretty cool game good work on this
It was cool, but... its not really the purposeful... if thats a word...
it was a cool idea, but I dont think its gonna work. :\
-Grimsbrother AKA FiLTRone
Maybe after yo utype something, then it could animate if you hit a certain button? thatsd be cool to see B get a head shot on Z lol
Great idea bad subject.
This entire flash is cool and well done. But it's all done before in Typing programs. If you incorporated this into a game or something then maybe it could get more attention. I think you should add something Microsoft Word doesn't have into this type of thing. Something that would make text look/act cool. I'm not sure what, but I think you have a great thing going on here.
Not terrible...
It is a fairly good text editor, but I see no point of a text editor on NG. Sorry.