Good Start
It looks like you might have a good understanding of how animation works in general, with some decent art skills.
Next time just bump the frame rate up to 24 or 30 and it will come out a lot more smooth.
Given ten second audio to animate. No choice in audio.
This was really fun and I like the way it turned out. Any useful comments or observations are welcome.
Good Start
It looks like you might have a good understanding of how animation works in general, with some decent art skills.
Next time just bump the frame rate up to 24 or 30 and it will come out a lot more smooth.
Thanks for the advice. I'll try that.
Not bad, not good either
If you steriotype on brits and use random humor which ISNT funny then that alone is not going to make a good flash
Interesting. I didn't feel like I stereotyped on Brits. I was just trying to animate what I heard. What seemed to be the stereotype?
Good lipsyncing, visual design
I liked the lip syncing you did for the main character, and the character designs are very detailed, but it was hard to find the context for the scene. I guess with only being able to use that 10 seconds of audio means it's for an assignment or a commission? Also the laughing in the background could have been incorporated into the animation by cutting to the audience and their reaction.
I thought of that at first. When I was thinking of setting up a scene, I thought about a stand-up comedian, Seinfeld-ish style. I decided against it because I wanted to add a bit more variety to the scene. However, with only 10-seconds available, its a bit hard to express all the detail one wants. I'm not exactly sure if I was able to pull that off.
too short :(
was that a monty python sketch?
or am i completely wrong.
i think if you decide to make another one, you should add more clips/scenes. then the viewer can understand whats going on a bit better. thats probably the biggest problem with this, as i only realized what he was on about once it had finished.
but i did like what i saw, good work ^^
Trick is, I was only given 10 seconds. I had to set up a scene that the viewer's brain could process easily. The one I chose was a man reading a letter. I've been working with it so long, I understood what I was doing. It's nice to hear other people's initial reactions. Sometimes, it takes a couple times to see to process completely.
I'm 99% sure that the speaker is Rowan Atkinson in a Black Adder skit.