Kitty Krew Beatdown
I know you can do better than this.
8 for A Kitty Krew Beatdown.
Dance Party Ep. 8
Well here we gooo...
episode 7 was such a hit
that people were begging
me to make an episode 8 already!!
well here it is boys and girls
episode 8
Song Is The Stroke by Billy Squier
Kitty Krew Beatdown
I know you can do better than this.
8 for A Kitty Krew Beatdown.
i didnt make kitty krew beatdown.. ur supposed 2 review this stupid ass
-this review is stolen-
This is the most brilliant piece of Flash art I have ever viewed. The sheer amount of frames of quality vectors fly past at such a blinding speed all the while in tune to the music creates an atmosphere of controlled chaos. The desgin is excellent, the sound editing is impeccable, and the colors and overall design are fabulous.
its good 2 see someone look at the real facts