Dude the only thing i see is black
This was a project I was making a while ago but I found the file on my hard drive again so I updated it and added nice new features to it.
This game doesnt have very good graphics because I like to keep the file size small with very smooth and non laggy game play on fast and slow computers and your score goes up faster as you progress.
This game tests your reflexes so if you get a good score you have good reflexes =). I didnt add enemy ships or shooting because that would be to easy but I may make another space shooter game. Also its floating because in space you dont have good control!.
I have added a score board on so you can try and get the best score on the score board or then it would be boring xD. Save your shields because you will need them most further in space!
I havnt found another working score board game on NG but I only joined 1 week ago so i should find one.
Got the score board working good =D
Update! Score board should work but you may have loading problems if you do go to my site to play it.
sorry about the down time earlyer.
http://infernoflash.freeh ostia.com/Pages/staravoid er.htm
ps. made the game in less than 3 days but its still fun.
AD: Im looking for a vector artest to make art for me for free and will be included fully in the project email me, I can program almost every kind of game except if its 3D.
I hope you enjoy!
Dude the only thing i see is black
Sorry it happens some times go to my website and it will be 100% fine.
Its because the only way to make the score board work is to use attach movie. And then that sometimes makes the screen black.
I dont think new grounds handels getting data from other sites well =(
Ill Generously give you 4 Stars for effort. As Skreb said, its a little Floaty.
Its floaty because your in space and there is not much gravity its surpose to be floaty xD.
Fun to try for a high score
It was a bit floaty but had that feel just about right. Had me trying for a high score for a good amount of time. Good stuff.
Thanks =) Its floaty because thats what happens when your in space xD.
Really good
the most impresive thing was the sound,
very good
Thanks I found some free music of the internet and cropped it and looped it to make a minimal file size xD.
Ok but needs alot of work, maybe make enemies and make it so u can shoot things?
its mostly a game to test your reflexes but im also working on lots of other projects including a top view gta game =D woot! and its almost finished maybe another month or 2 left =)