Kinda smooth, nice performance
This is my first real flash animation, aside from that, there isn't much to say about it. :P
Hope you like it, I had fun making it.
Kinda smooth, nice performance
pretty good
you make the foots too far of the body, and this is make a little leg to the madness guys and this is funny, well, keep making more madness but next time, make a preloader and a comand to stop the last music in the replay
Some good, some bad.
Good animation, but a tad choppy. Like, very slightly. Also, feet need to stay under the body. Not extended.
BTW, lol@ Kirby 64 Music. That game won hard.
Heh, I did that on purpose. I hated how the legs were useless in the actual Madness animations, so I just gave them the same invisible limb treatment as the arms.
it wasnt bad for your first buddy
its really not bad bud just work on making it run a bit smoother, and a lil more humor =D
Make it mor funny