dude, quit telling me storys about your childhood
LOL dude this is as good as the first one, i was thinking of looking for my dads playboy mag, so i think im gonna stick with maxims for now
He's at it again.. telling awkward childhood stories... Everyone seemed to enjoy the first ONce When I was a Kid, so we made a sequel. This was made over night, hope you enjoy!
dude, quit telling me storys about your childhood
LOL dude this is as good as the first one, i was thinking of looking for my dads playboy mag, so i think im gonna stick with maxims for now
easy math
semi retarted teenage boy +mysterious objeject = a whole lot of LOL
He wears a shirt that says "Love Babies" (a pedophile?) and he drinks out of his mother's douche... what the fuck is wrong with him???
Jeez don't know if its good to completely recycle the opening dialog but that was funny even if incredibly messed up.
okay that was freakin fun but how can you first "when i was a kid" be true?
i mean a girl with balls that aint something good to remember.
if it was me i would feel like it was traumatized, like learnining how to make kids when youre 7
I'm not sure but it was told to us as a true story... Kelly, wherever you are out there... we're sorry.
-Taco Buttfish.