I remember watching this so many times when I was little bro… 2018 i was watching this alot. Yeah man… Nostalgia. This is cool!!
EDIT-11/1/09 Added Advertisement and "Thank You!" screen after credits.
EDIT- 9/12/07--Much thanks for Tom for recognizing my situation and placing this on the front page and Sonic collection!
Also, a lot of you compliment me on my animation. Much thanks, but remember, the WAVE ANIMATION WAS TRACED. Everything else is by hand.
EDIT: 3/21/08- I fixed the credits to say Miles "tails" PROWER and not PROWLER. My bad.
EDIT 8/30/07--Thank you ALL who helped make this flash to the top 50 (well, top 50 as of now) and win the Daily Feature and Weekly 2nd awards. Thank you for your comments, encouragement, and criticism. I spent a lot of time working on this and the results are beginning to pay off :D.
GOD! YES! FINALLY! After A year of work, an irksome 16k frame limit problem (found a tedious workaround), actionscript troubles, flash crashes, and a bunch of other little problems, the final part to the 'Nazo Unleashed Trilogy' is COMPLETE!
The movie is 16 minutes long, so get comfortable. Many thanks for Tom for his speedy email to raise my upload limit and to all my PATIENT fans who's reviews I constantly look for.
YES. There are DBZ influences, more so than the last 2, so if that's not a problem, enjoy!
It'd be great if you guys could click that "submit to collection" button on the bottom left of the screen and send it to the "Sonic the Hedgehog" collection :D. Hell, I wouldn't mind my own little page the 'Nazo Unleashed' trilogy :X...
I remember watching this so many times when I was little bro… 2018 i was watching this alot. Yeah man… Nostalgia. This is cool!!
This is so most legendary honestly :,) .
My full review of all 3 parts, AMAZING! The fact that a fan made this is wild. Just shows his passion and pride for the series in full force. This is one of the greatest pieces of sonic fan media and only getting bested by sonic rpg epsiode 10.
Why did this end genuinely so fucking hype!? Like, genuinely, I finally got past how stupid this series was and just got invested in the silly little story and I really just enjoyed myself. Also I just realized that Nazo is Edwyn Tiong.
I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for this. Years, hell, about a decade of coming back to this every now and then and it is just as hype and goes as hard as when I first seen it. The magnitude of its influence in my life is incomparable, man. What an inspiration. Like I knew Sonic and DBZ went together like bread and butter, but man