I think this is one of the first Elmo videos that you made. :)
note: for dumbasses who think showing this to litle kids that love elmo DONT DO IT unles of course you want to f*** them up
thanks for the feed back I will try to update the backgrounds a bit plz keep in mind i am sorta a newb at flash but I atleast have a sence of humour i have 1 more elmo death i will be addingnote: kinda newbish looking but i garuntey you will laugh at least once!
I think this is one of the first Elmo videos that you made. :)
hmm okay.
but the animation was terrible -3
the voices were on the sucky side -1
the sound effects were good +1
and finally it was a bit short -1
I can't get enough of these...Poor ol' Elmo. Its just what I would have liked to see whn I was younger.
The gore isn't as kool as in those other two I seen, but it was still awsome!
Great video man, as I find time I'll be watching them all :)
i loved it and luaghed histaricly ;D
Got Green Cold
Blaming on Elmo to do with the Administer.