health concerns
your movie can cause somone who's eliptic to go crazy! plus, i didn't want to see the rest after 10 seconds. that's how baaad it is.
The sequel to One Cheeseburger Please
Awesome music by boney-man.
health concerns
your movie can cause somone who's eliptic to go crazy! plus, i didn't want to see the rest after 10 seconds. that's how baaad it is.
I would never go to a 1 person rave with no drugs. x]
That like... defeats the purpose of a rave.
ANYWAY, I thought it was kewl.
Lol thanks
Thank God i'm not an Epelitic XD
I liked the music, like a cross between club and trance
Why didn't you put more dance moves?
I liked it , but a little more substance next time.
It wasn't very good
I was a bit funny but there didn't happen very much and I didn't like the music very much but it was ok. And is rave so popular or something I'm seeing it more on NG lately I like Hardcore & Metal that is better then rave
It's class when you guys review this stuff like a serious, real NG submission instead of just faggy spam
front page fo sho
maybe have the song be a lower quality just so it loads faster
and a preloader, maybe a silhouette of the guy, and the BOOM partay when it's done loading
simply amazing