tHiS dOeSn"T mAkE aNyThInG ! ! !
These are creatures I made with Nodes when I was trying to make some kind of A.I. for a RTS. Although it wasn't the A.I. my game needed, it still turned out to be nice.
tHiS dOeSn"T mAkE aNyThInG ! ! !
i hate when people post
this shit like its almost just like
LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK WHAT I DID........i would not post your pictures on my fridge and i will not give u any points so sorry
but my downsyndrom brother can make better flashes then that
I dont get it
THats it I DONT GET IT??!!
What do you do?
I can't control anything its just A.I. Worms running around and nothing else not a game at all.