Bang! Huzzah! Bang! Yipee!!!
Aren't first attempts grand? ^_^
I'll try to give this my most thoughtful review despite the fact that many of the things that I advise now may already be obvious to you.
Although I found the graphical representation of the fungi, bacteria, and assorted gentlemen much too simplistic--they all fell under a consistent style, which I did find original and somewhat entertaining to see. When the gigantic bacteria beemed down from their poorly drawn UFO, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. The laughter would not have been at your artistic capability, but rather if you had a full and sophisticated sound track in the background, the score would have contrasted with your art in a comedic sense--and would have made the animation that much richer.
In turn, I found the art lacking. If there was some way for me to know that they were drawn in such a basic manner intentionally, then I could asses the matter differently. However, the supporting attributes of this flash did not give me that impression.
The "battle scenes" with the fungi were my personal favorite parts of the animation. I especially enjoyed the over-the-top outburst by the adjacent bacteria. However, despite the fact that I liked the explosions, they still were not animated that well. Still, something tells me I'm going to happily remember those few scenes for the rest of my life.
I have a functional problem with the interactivity of the movie. As you may already know now, the buttons were poorly made. I did not appreciate having to write where the text was drawn rather than the approximate area of where the text was written. It's simply more user-friendly to create buttons that have an invisible "box" behind them; so that way viewers will not have to snipe letters in order to activate buttons. Moreover, I had a hard time determining what was actually a button from what was actually just text. This left me (more than once) just staring at the screen waiting for something to happen--when of course nothing ever did.
Additionally, I think it would behoove you to use a font that mimics hand writing over using actual handwriting. If anything at all, it will help people like me, who do not recognize English as their first language, understand what you are trying to say with a greater clarity.
Overall, I found this movie to be frustrating at some points, and very enjoyable at others. The concept of bacteria vs. fungi has great potential, and the entire concept as a whole was ultimately only limited by its delivery.