Fucking awesome man!!!
My Clock Day movie, a spin off of The Warriors video game. It parodies all of the Warriors vs Destroyers levels. (If you haven't played/seen the game, watch http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=NSYMGF9WHHM this video)
This is part 1 of a 4 parter episode.
Just to note that the sound might go out of sync on a few occasions, if this happens, right click + play and repeat and the movie should be back in sync! And one more thing...MEDIUM or probably LOW quality HIGHLY recommended!
Fucking awesome man!!!
Pretty nice
I would say this is just funny.Also the 'PLAY' has been spelled into 'PALY' please remind.
That's intentional. ;)
ugh...animate something else PLZ!
I liked the animation...very high quality. The clock crew is a pointless, unoriginal piece if crap group, but good animation.
Unoriginal? We started this unique idea in 2001. Also, judging from the review, my guess is you lowered the score because it's a CC movie. Goddamn, where do you get off calling stuff unoriginal?
boring and not funny at all
the voices are annoying and that the clock thing has already been used by too many plp :P
Sounds like you just copied and pasted what the guy below said. This is funnier than any Mario/Sonic/sprite movie or Madness movie will ever be. ;)
Worthless and not funny at all
I couldn't even finish this movie. It was downright boring. I think it was the modified microsoft sam voices that lulled me to sleep.
Aye. That's why it has such a high score and a large row of 10 reviews to start off with. What do you know about good movies newbie.