Nice loop
Can't go wrong with Strawberry Clock i also liked the B background too plus you threw in a song that wasn't really well known too,swell job you did.
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Like the first one, everything thing is animated on one frame, 3 layers, all movieclips
SBC was mouse drawn by me except for the crown, so I think it's pretty good.
Nice loop
Can't go wrong with Strawberry Clock i also liked the B background too plus you threw in a song that wasn't really well known too,swell job you did.
Well I have to be honest with you all this submission is is a simple get the point across submission, now that's totally not a bad thing at all, I just did not like it because of that. The graphics were simple and easy to create and it did not entertain me at all. Not something I liked.
I really wasn't looking for critique on this submission, it was just something I did for fun on clock day. Thanks for taking the time to review anyway!
right on Koeberto190!
the song was totally appropriate and was great for clock day '07 i loved it!
btw... wtf is the guys problem below me, he really has no clue about clock day does he?
Thank you so much, you are the voice of reason in the crowd of the idiots. You were the only reviewer that wasn't like" lawls wtf is a clock day?" I love you now.