Strawberry clock: He's a sod, truth be told
Wow, well i knew it anyway
I just noticed.
And don't give me your "swastika =/= nazi" shit, I KNOW, I wrote an essay about it.
vote 5.
Credit goes to BBQBBM, I noticed this in his CD flash ( m/portal/view/393822 VOTE 5)
Strawberry clock: He's a sod, truth be told
Wow, well i knew it anyway
I love you Update.
But he's spinning the wrong way :3.
I love you too Prozac.
Usually I have a little string attached to my right index finger, but I lost it.
The string that is.
you make me sad.
I am sorry, but the truth had to be said.
This is the most important breakthrough of the 21st century! You,sir, are a genius!
Why thank you =).
clock nazi! the king of the portal does ethnic clensing! none are safe from his nasty ways!
hehe made me laugh ^^ different from all the other hundred
"OMFG T3h H4pPy C10Ck D4Y1!!!1!!1!!!!" (with a rave background)