this ''anti-clock'' movie still reeks of childish humour, teen angst and gay jokes, but thankfully it has some kind of a story in it, and it manages to be ALOT better than the abomination that you created in 2006, aka ''PTFA guy hated CD 2''....
with that being said, the movie starts off with the PTFA-guy smoking weed and trippin' as hell, while he sees clocks everywhere, making him feel sick & uncertain.
i liked that he ''destroyed'' the first clocks by playing with the synthesizer... it was clever & funny.
(instead of using guns & mindless violence like you usually do in your other anti-clock ''movies''.)
also, i liked that this time you've added some various classic cartoon characters in your movie, such as fred flintstone, snoopy, barney, bob and smurfette...
you could add some more jokes/scenes with them, but they were a nice detail.
(i assume that you used sprites of those characters, instead of drawing them by yourself.)
also, the final scene of PTFA-guy VS the clocks was interesting; this time, instead of shooting them in a crescendo of mindless stupidity, he talked with them, and the clocks suggested a truce with him.
but then, you couldn't take it anymore, and you depicted the clocks as you like to imagine: as losers that are only interested in stupidity and in gay activities. you shouldnt depict others with your own personal tastes, its quite unfair, imho.
so, once again, we end up in a ''mexican standoff'' scene, where its a battle of gunpower:
the good VS evil, the smart VS stupid, the clocks VS the PTFA guy.
and then... then they both lose! that was a nice twist, i will give you that.
and eventually, he woke up, still reviewing clock-movies in his PC. i also liked the ending, it was pretty funny!
so, since this movie wasn't that bad, i will judge it fairly, and i will give you 4 stars.
unlike you, i use fair judgement on every movie, even if it was created by a person that i dislike.
you should also learn how to use this principle on your voting/reviews as well.
support the good movies, and rate the bad movies according to their actual quality, NOT according to your personal prejudice about something.
have a good day.
and thanks to the clock crew, you are still getting some extra pageviews+votes in your way.
i guess its truly ''your time to shine'', thanks to that pesky clock crew.