Strawberry Clock saying B sucks balls how ironic,awesome song at the end too. :)
Happy clockday one and all :D
Strawberry Clock saying B sucks balls how ironic,awesome song at the end too. :)
He was saying the flash I submitted last year sucked, lol.
Classic I guess.
I suppose you can't go wrong with the classic stuff on ng clock day, but I still find this submission to be rather lame. I mean there was no real animation or quality in the submission and I did not like it because of that. I found it hard to stick with it, even with its shortness and I just did not like it. Meh.
(title in work)
^^Good Points^^
Hmm... It's actually what the real SBC's opinion on a lot of the stuff on NG on Clock Day is.. Anyway, I thought that this was pretty good. Decent graphics and good music too.
^^Needs Improving^^
It was a little bit short. Maybe SBC could have done something other than just say everything sucked.
I actually used my 2006 submission in this then added to it with the zooming out and such, but thanks. Could have done more, I started a clock day flash before clock day then scaraped it, so made this at the last minute.
I liked it anyway.
The music was good too.
Alright, I guess.
Thats the old newgrounds does that meen strawberry clock went though a time portal? :D
Must mean just that!