Hwo knew...
I have never thought about electroic plants. How did you come up with that idea?
I haven't gone to sleep in a full 24 hours.
I begin ranting at this point.
I'm sorry, this one wasn't very imaginative.
I apologize.
Hwo knew...
I have never thought about electroic plants. How did you come up with that idea?
I have...
No idea.
Until now
I have never even given a first thought to Electronic plants. Thank you for bringing them to my attention.
You're welcome.
Once you research it some more, you will realize it is a topic that should be discussed more often.
this movie confused me so bad i had to vote 4... like it hypnotized me or something...
Good. That means it's working.
This flash was outstanding it really moved me. I absolutely agree with you.
Who wouldn't agree with me about the topic of electronic plants?
I voted 5 yo!