I am incredibly sorry but...
There are a few things I have to point out to you.
1. There are already many sprite tutorials etc on newgrounds, so unless yours is going to go above and beyond the rest (which this one clearly hasnt..) then please use your time to do something more constructive.
2. You have already apologized for the graphics, thank you.
3. I am going to be completely honest and say that I didnt even go through all of the tutorial, I lost complete interest after I read the first couple lines, and they were all mis-spelled horribly. I'm sorry but if i want to read something of that style, i'd go to the inbox on my mobile phone and look at text messages.
All that being said;
It's nice to see another person attempting to educate the new artists and to inspire more toons involving sprites etc. so before you think I'm being completely mean and nasty, I'm just telling it how it is.
Summary-- Well done for attempting to educate, but in order to educate you must produce something worthy, that looks good, and that people will want to learn from. Apart from that, Good job.