Too much same!
Only okay. The controls are a little loose but not too bad. Get boring quick.
Hey everyone! Please take a look at our very new website:! We hope you become a (free) member so you can join our online flash competition! Yes there is a competition going on and we challenge you to beat this game´s current highscore of 349! made by bart. On our site you have the possibility to add your own creations as well! Join today! (please don´t forget to check your spamfolder with registering. We´re working on that one)
Game instructions:
Play this game with your mouse (or optionally with your keyboards left and right and mouse button)
Move yoshi to the left and right and use the mouse button to swallow eggs and apples.
Avoid the incoming shields while doing this.
Eating eggs will give you points.
Eating apples increase your playtime.
Hitting a shield will decrease your playtime.
Hope you have fun!
(ps. this game is a remake of the older version)
Too much same!
Only okay. The controls are a little loose but not too bad. Get boring quick.
Just one game?
I expected more.
However, the game was of high quality, and I salute you for that.
its alright
the art worck and mucic are great and its a nice littel mini game it just gets a bit slow and repetitive
Could be better!
I like this game but at: when you sign up for a free account there. Then you can summid your own high score. So good game but it's better at
not bad
well, after 5 minutes, it gets boring because it is repetive but the idea was great.