Hey, what happened to this flash, it shows me nothing, and what's more, that makes this laptop crash!!!
yaay! this is a promo of Happy Sad samurais a manga of Hiro-Moto Studios enjoy!! i hope u really like! if u want to know more aboute HSS or Hiro-Moto Studios please go to http://nbkteam.wordpress.
com/proyectos/hiromoto-st udios/
Hey, what happened to this flash, it shows me nothing, and what's more, that makes this laptop crash!!!
Lol what is this
nice try tho u should prob lean to draw and animate better before u get on newgrounds.......
Not that good
I give a three for the drawing, but other than that there isn't much in the way of animation, the sound is off timing wise; and everything is in spanish. Which if you can't speak, makes this make absolutely no sense.
Keep it up though, just working on things.
Nice, but the preloader timer is broken.