despite me prefering zune im not gonna be biased. I didnt really see any humor and it kinda seemed pointless...
It's an iMac transformer, and it meets a Zune. In case you needed some clarity.
Earlier today, I submitted this piece of work in an earlier form, and people generally seemed to feel it was too short, and that the iMac transformer needed to do something other than transform.
so, after another few hours, (added up, this has probably taken about nine) its done! Well, for now at least. The iMac transformer meets a zune that can't seem to transform, possibly because of the zune's incapability to do anything worthwile. ;)
Running at 1274 frames, speeding by at 30 frames per second, this is my most recent animation. I've done a fair bit of previously untried things, so I really appreciate any feedback and reviews that you can give me.
Thanks for checking it out! Moro
and make sure to cut 42 seconds out of your busy schedule before watching, thats how long it is :)
despite me prefering zune im not gonna be biased. I didnt really see any humor and it kinda seemed pointless...
the flash was good, but as a zune fanboy who does nto write with capitals, i think if u were gonna use the newest and best ipod tehn u sud of atleast given teh zune a fighting chance by nto useing the 8-year old, original zune model
Why Are You Comparing A Like 400 Dollar Phone With A 200 Dollar Mp3 Player?...
Also The Zune Does Have Movie Capabilties, Warrenties, Games, Pics
Zune To Zune Sharing (Ipod Have That?....No, But Im Sure Now That Ipod Sees That They Will Take That Feature...) Also I Heard About The Couple Of Ipods Sent Out With Viruses...Yea Shows How Much Work And Care They Put In The Ipod.
Don't Get Me Wrong The Ipod Is Really Neat And Fun, But Out Of A Free Choice Of Ipod Touch Phone ($400) Or A ($200) Zune, Even If Free....Id Choose The Zune....
The Idea Was Good/Funny Tho....A Transforming Ipod Phone....With Technology These Days...Soon Almost Anything Will Be Possible...
I Already Know Your Gonna Delete Or Leave A Zune Hate Comment Reply...But Thats Okay Cuz We Are Mature Adults And Will Not Really Care...
mature adults who write with capitals! :)
I would have said something like iFail, but I don't, if only for the reason that I don't like Apple software.
It's original sin.
If you're going to make a flash like this, at least make it about something the newgrounds people are going to follow and agree with!
That's simple logic.
I'd say that roughly 20% of Newgrounders are using Apple computers, and it's simple stuff that you shouldn't be appealing towards 20% of the audience, that's stupid..
It's like putting an ad for prune juice on the tv at 4:00pm.
Do you get me now??
As for what you're comparing it to, I don't care much for it, I never really had much of a need for an MP3 hunt since I've got a walkman phone.
Nintendo DS homebrew mp3 < iPod, iPhone and an iMac all in a gift basket with $10,000 cash.
(And just to remind the fools, where I come from it works like this:)
< = The 'arrow' points to the larger.
= The crocodile (being a mouth) eats the smaller.
I have to say that every single time T.T
Woohoo! I like ranting.
Better than Foamy =]
why would anyone make something just to appeal to the newgrounds audience??
Hmm, idk if this goes by the facts. I mean, the apple robot has one serious weakness. It breaks the next day and doesn't have a warranty. Plus Zune owns anyway. Zune would wirelessly call up some buddies, and they could share info.
But either way, the flash was alright, but nothing special. The music did nothing for this flash. Wrong song for something like this. All that stacked on the fact that zune > ipods gets this flash a low score.
wow you're hardly biased...
you can get warranties for any apple products, plus I dont see a zune playing movies, being a phone, having awesomeness, and all sorts of other stuff like that, SO THERE IWIN!