i think office spider series is great!! who would hate it? its awesome!!
My newest flash.
i think office spider series is great!! who would hate it? its awesome!!
WTF is this!?
it's only a crappy drawing not even matching the office spider level of art! what's going on!? it's not even an animation. just like strawberryclock's B. i agree with Yashikai. you NEED to fix this up. and before you do it...(i'm not telling you what!) this can turn into the next B you know -sabrehawk
The office spider talks? wow. Hell of a twist. Hope they bring back alec baldwin to do his voice again. good one. 34345655/10
This is very amusing. I paticularly liked the part where there was the word office and there was a spider below.
it was just a picture of a spider with an inlegible word above it.
I can't read it either. Don't worry, you aren't alone.