Good game
It's pretty well done--but what's the song played at the menu?
This game does what it says on the tin... good, classic, arcade fun! Battle your way though the multi-coloured space aliens and get a high score, how big (or small) will yours be?
Have fun with this game, and comments and critics are taken, anything I need to add?
EDIT: Bugs Fixed + Size MB Reduced - 1.4 = 1.2MB
PS: I'm working on a PHP score system, once I get my hosts working then I will update flash with high scores
Good game
It's pretty well done--but what's the song played at the menu?
Now watch as I shoot through my own shield.
If you ask me, it was really good.
It looks better and everything
Not bad.
Now this wasn't a bad game at all. Although you basically took other people's idea and things, and put them in flash, you did it pretty well. Since you said highscores are in I shall rate as such, the highscores really give us a reason to come back to the game, but there just is somthing missing in this submission. I mean it was good, but you didin't do anything special with this submission and it just seemed like a boring game because of it. Overall, good remake, if you can call it that, I think the unorginality of this submission really hurt it.
Great game
"Now watch as I shoot through my own shield. No he's a mad man" :) great overall and that was the first thing I tried. Nice use of ParagonX9 for that aswell together they helped to lift the game even higher.
I will try to add this to the video game remakes section along with the asteroids one for you as I think it bolongs there for everyone to see :)
Thanks for that. Love the Futurama quote lulz!
Another nice remix of a former videogame legend. The new graphics look nice, but they really aren't very different from the original source you used. Infact, almost everything is the same except for the bg. I love the bg, the shifting colors look awesome. Well, keep up the good work! Looking forward to tetris, frogger, etc!