yes, i know you can cheat a bit, but what's the fun in cheating?
Well, i updated it a bit, see the updates section, and i'm only re-submitting it because if i just updated it, no one would know.
Added a background
Removed annoying, unnecessary anti-cheat
Added more fitting music
glitches fixed:
Music played before preloader
Frame numbers were off-set, causing things to not work.
Music would play itself twice
Fixed moving objects, they now kill you.
Added a little anti-cheat
Glitches awaited to be fixed:
none :)
If you find anymore glitches please pm me about it.
good game
it was alright. The idea was overused though.
And you still didn't change the font..... So sad....
3/5 7/10
way too easy i beat it in less then....
way too easy i beat it in less then 30 seconds
I die a little inside every time i see one of these stupid games.
It was OK...
There was to many Glitches.... ALl you had to do is just hold left mouse and you could go through walls.........