ha ha ha
this too. I love how it progressed
This half of the movie has all the good stuff, and please keep viewing after the credits because there is an another scene!
ha ha ha
this too. I love how it progressed
Really Cool!!!
I love the story so far and i cant wait for your next submission. The animation is really nice too. The lips were kinda outta sync but you probably knew that>.>. Great flash and this is gonna b really famous!
Thank you very much! that means alot, really ^.^
hope you check out the prequle i am making, should be out in september! (2008)
Very well
I really enjoyed the story and it was put together nicely.
Thank you very much ^.^
yet agen
well you did it agen woooooo, and yes 9 for the lips agen
meany thanks, i think i have over come the lip problem now, so on my next movie it should not stand a problem!
that was a really good flash. I voted 5!
You have my thanks for your kind words sir!