Huh, those voices of conciousness were a bit hard to hear (at least the glass-eyed one, sounds like an even speedier version of Foamy). Either way though it's a fun short, simple comedy!
Ya know how in ol'school movies little floatin' heads would pop up and talk to a person to give 'em advice? I thought "What would happen if Stamper and Jeff(JohnnyUtah) poped up to give someone dating adice?" and so I coudn't resist to make this lil' toon.
Huh, those voices of conciousness were a bit hard to hear (at least the glass-eyed one, sounds like an even speedier version of Foamy). Either way though it's a fun short, simple comedy!
this is kinda funny but i believe u can do better than this. but great work on the id and super ego. which is a basic of psychology. now i give u a rateing of 9/10 and a 4/5.
Thanks. Yeah in all honesty I could do better.
If I decide to make a NG Advice 2 like a few poeple have been asking. I'll make it much better then this.
good one
that was a pretty nice animation. a little short, but i did like the NG theme to this one, nice graphics and audio and your efforts were quite nice as well.
Yeah I'm really improving lately. I've been practicing both tweening and FBF animations. :)
Not my style...
I am sure there are the men and women out there who would find this amusing. But, it's a rare and scary few. Too much of a spur of the moment type thing to get a decent vote from me.
If this ones not your style then check out my other toons.
very funny!!!!i give it a 9
Yay. :)