yu had me all geared up on zombies n carnage n blood. AND U GIVE ME THIS SHIT!!!!!!
BURN U ASSHOLE, BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that I have you're attention:
Zombies crack me up...they're just hillarious. So I made some of my own.
This is my final project from my year in 2D animation at VanArts- its my first Flash movie, be gentle? The whole story is that Keesh (and Itches) are zombies. Pathetic, roly-poly playful, idiot zombies, that have become utterly harmless garbage dispose alls, and living with a passive-aggressive reject of society, Jimmy Blake. This will be the first of many short of these three to come, so I'll fill you in on the main characters:
JIMMY, though intelligent, is a degenerate that has nothing better to do than work at annoying the eternally-forgiving Keesh, and tip Itches over. He occasionally suffers from paranoia, dillusions, and is addicted to several mystery drugs, one of which is flour and powdered lightbulbs. He thinks fish are out to get him. Keesh loves Jimmy. Keesh is also a moron.
KEESH (moron) and Itches are mute zombies. They're constantly hungry, and will eat anything that isn't bolted down. Keesh talks via the "Sock Puppet Pope", loves kidney bean-stuffed kidneys, long walks on the landfill, and hemoraging. When he gets too excited, his arm also falls off.
ITCHES, a failed experiment fusing a Cocker Spaniel and a "Spaniard Love Pygmy" is the equivalent of "Bill the Cat" from the comic 'BLOOM COUNTY'. He's retarded, and exhibits fascinating and disturbing bodily functions, and has super powers.
Tell me what you think, eh?
yu had me all geared up on zombies n carnage n blood. AND U GIVE ME THIS SHIT!!!!!!
BURN U ASSHOLE, BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice graphics i liked it... i laught withe the socks talking xD.. nice flash anyway .
Hehe Lol
Dumb humor is so dumb thats its fun keep working !
keep up the good work, dumb humor is the best.
ps. there are still morons that cant find the stars you can give to a movie/game etc.
This is really dumb.
In a good way.
It is really dumb, but pretty funny.
i can't explain why either. it just is.
Keep up the good work