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Super Fish

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Sequal to super bug. Many people asked me to make changes and i did, much better than super bug, i slowed it down a little also.

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Fun game here

I like the fun game here you seem to know what you are doing I found the controls to be pretty good seems like this game has potential to have even more amazing options and features maybe even adding in some medals would be a plus


Super Fish has average graphics that allows you to tell everything apart. Gameplay is mostly good, but there are some small errors. Correct the errors and polish up the graphics to be better.

This game was made on 7/21/07, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

There have been plenty of these games already, but they're always just as fun. Would be cool if you could move around on a wiser/higher stage, but in a way it's easier this way, just one box to keep track of. Nice graphics, simple controls, a fun timewaster!



solid game!! some errors but for everything bt front page stuff there always are.
good job, give yourself a pat on the back.

Serious improvement!

A much better submission in my opinion. I have to say that I am very pleased to see a contributor who is genuinely concerned with constructive criticism from the fanbase. I'm not saying that other authors aren't -- you just seem to be more outwardly demonstrative of this openness. As a reviewer, it is appreciated on my end. (In fact, if you hadn't previously responded to my SuperBug review, I never would've found this game.)

Graphics - Certainly not eye-popping, but very solid. I did appreciate the humor in the name of the shipwreck. You could probably tone down the number of fireworks/star explosions at the end of the game. Still leave them in, it was a nice touch.

Sound - Sound effects were of good quality and timed well. Maybe some background music? Nothing too crazy. Otherwise, no complaints here.

Control - Thank you very much for slowing it down. Much more playable. Personally, I loved the jumping out of the water technique.

Other - Keep the power ups around for another second or two...some of them just seemed to be there for too short of a period of time. Also, at end game why do you have the option of "Play Again? Y/N"...the "N" is a dead link. You could just have a button that says "Replay" and not worry about having the option of a second button.
Honestly, I think the major thing holding back these games are the total lack of backstory/purpose. Why is there a timer if there's also life points? Why do I want points? It just seems odd. Basically, if you're not going to have a serious backstory you need something to be inherently difficult about the game -- like a puzzle. So then there's a greater replay value for people to beat their previous high score. (Which, now that I think about it, a High score list might be a good addition.)

All in all, solid submission. Serious improvement, and I'll be on the lookout for more of your work!

Credits & Info

3.03 / 5.00

Jul 21, 2007
4:50 PM EDT