I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that?
If you are making a flash about Malcolm X, then by all means go ahead. But I heard no Malcolm X. At all. A for intro skills, F for content. Speak up, and maybe you'll get higher. Good day to you.
poop926 (6 months ago) Marked as spam
This video makes me wanna wet ur lips and suction you to a wall.
I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that?
If you are making a flash about Malcolm X, then by all means go ahead. But I heard no Malcolm X. At all. A for intro skills, F for content. Speak up, and maybe you'll get higher. Good day to you.
black power muhfucka
This had nothing to do with malcom X why did you put this . The intro was kinda funny. Sorry I score it aftere I watch it.
white asshole you enslaved my people you fuckin whip cracker
Final Mark: F-
Although I did like your flash intro sequence. There was nothing about Malcolm X.
u just hatin on me cuz im fly
Was that planned?
I coudln't hear a word you said.
Why are you topless?
Who's that guy whispering?
I don't get it. I honestlt just don't get it.
yo bitch i dint ACKS fo yo opinion
this dosnt work
no animation i can hear what you have to say and to be honest i dont know if i want to hear what you have to say
the only thing for wich you might deserve a point is the intro
fuck yo honkey aZZ