Nice fight! Spritemation at it's finest, and a nice interface to select scenes or play the entire thing. One thing to improve would be the buttons though, maybe add some background so they're easier to spot? keep it going!
A friend told me to resubmit it. Rewrite your reviews if you want.
This should be bugless (hope so)
Original comment:.
this is my first flash :P
I started this like 6 moths ago and after 2 weeks of work I couldn't finish it 'cause of family friends etc.
So, i got inspired after watching Proxicide's MK VS SF 1 and 2 (so you can't say I copied nothing from the third one cus when it was released I was making the credits)
After 6 moths i decided to finish this. I know it has many "Bugs" but, hey ! it's my first one.
This one explains the story you wont see good fights. The next one will be "Fight based"
so enjoy (I'm italian that's why my english sucks)
PS: I LUV U PROXI and you too trixi !
Nice fight! Spritemation at it's finest, and a nice interface to select scenes or play the entire thing. One thing to improve would be the buttons though, maybe add some background so they're easier to spot? keep it going!
Wow very nice and i also got family problems lol.
Dude! This is so awesome. I'm thinking about making one too, and I've seen a lot, and some really suck. So thanks for being an inspiration.
really good
some really good use of sprites, that was a good watch.
great first flash kepp at it!