it was okay but some people just want to see them
first of all, KennedyKrew said i should post this for him..
I only maded the Intro.. for KennedyKrew(Rick Jackson)
Enjoy. im the first who make with the new Levels..;)
Messege from KennedyKrew: now you can look on levels, XD
it was okay but some people just want to see them
Why did you even make this? If anyone want to see the Newgrounds Level Icons they can find them here: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/lit/levels">http://www.newgrounds.com/lit/levels</a>
You don´t need to submit a crappy flash. It´s just waste of time.
Very nice reference.
I like this because it was a good reference. Nice job. And the last one, I am so getting that one! Lol. It could've been better, but it was good.
Really flash is a tool that can make things cooler. I thought this didn't do so good.
There's actually already a page here on NG with a full detailed list of all the level icons. It's more detailed, it has better interactivity, and it looks better.
Sorry mate, this idea of presenting the level icons in a flash wasn't executed so well. You could have added to the new awesome look of them with some cool layout and graphics of your own in this flash. Maybe some cool looking buttons, readable text, more information, and probably some more that I've missed.
It did look a little bit rushed...
Ah well, i guess it was..okay... :S
It's nice to see the new level icons lined up and with all the auras as well.
It would have been better if you had written the levelnumbers next to the icons, not just the exp-range (but the exp-range is a good idea as well).
Unfortunatly, a few icons/auras have been missing :( .
Last but not least, nice music.