you showed your hand in a couple of the frames thats my only problem
The-Masked-Man and Hazza-S met up in real life (it turned out that The-Masked-Pedofille...I mean Man was not a pedophile) we had a good time that did not, i repeat DID NOT (as the rumors may state) include violent sexual acts, we did however make a violently pretty flash =D
you showed your hand in a couple of the frames thats my only problem
liked it
everything was good except maybe 4 the length, just needs a little more content2 score a 5, i gave it a 4
That last song was familiar....
Was it from a video game??? Also, good job on the video.
Its a Zelda Remix,I think its called rocking temple
:)))))nice one
that was the first stop motion film ive seen on newgrounds brovo keep up the good work even thogh i dident get it
thanks =D
Amazing claymation dude how did you do that.
That was amazing and i liked the two sheep butt lovin at the begining.
How long did that take you to make that?
4 hours