This won't happen.
A big note to the author: Read the entire review clearly first before you start saying that I'm wrong. If you want to do so, why don't you show some proof or sources that this will happen? Baseless claims aren't good.
The gravitational force won't be enough to cause a tidal wave or something similar even all the planets aglin.
And whats with the meteor/comet hitting earth?
That could lead to to a massive extinction of sorts but I don't see how the planets aglining could lead to that.
How about reaserching more into something first before you give warnings or similar stuff about it?
I may not be an astronomer, but I do know physics very well.
And I also know that even the combined gravitational force of all the planets will not have a siginificant effect on the earth at the distance jupiter, the closest outer planet to earth, is from earth.
In fact, jupiter is further away from us than the sun and the combined gravitational force of all the planets is much much lesser than the sun.
And if the sun isin't affecting us, why would the planets aligning have any effect on the earth?
Also, the planets will almost never align in 3D. They may align quite often in 2D but due to the inclination of the planets, they will almost never align in 3D.
Anyway, I assume that you, being a novice astronomer as you claim, know that the planets are millions of kilometers apart, yes? How about learning some physics to help you understand the efects of forces millions of km apart?
>_> And how easy do you think it is to build an underground shelter? Are you a billionare or something?
And so, now about the video, it's very fast and short. Try slowing the thing down abit. It makes everything easier to see. Also, I don't see what the first part with the volcano and lightning got to do with the "disaster" of the planets aligning. Espically the lightning. something to do with the comet/meteor hitting the earth perhaps?