A bit short but still funny!
Good Job!
We made this flash when we were bored, I first drew every frame on paper than Val flashed them up for me. NOTE: this is not meant to be a factual portrayal, Duder Entertainment inc. does not claim responsibility for loss of limbs, heart attacks, lower back pain, kidney stones, acute radiation poisoning, or birth defects. Possible side effect include extreme lulz and mild n00bism (10 in 30 compared to 3 in 30 with a placebo)
A bit short but still funny!
Good Job!
Thanks, this was a short peice of crap I made for fun.
That shit was hilarious, "All intruders will be shot in the dick" "No commies allowed" "Save water, drink beer"
Ahaha, good shit. Made me laugh.
Thanks, MTCaptain is a simple guy and like to aim for the lower regions.
Heheh, interesting.
Quite amusing. Your nice, clear voice work deserves a good sound score. Keep it up. This is the kind of work that shows the others how "random" is done properly.
Thanks for the support, at least you didn't piss 'n moan about the crappy drawing, IT'S A PLOT DEVICE PEOPLE!
I have a question, this flash wasn't good
I think you had better go to the drawing board for this flash, how you made a flash, I could probably have found out on my own. Looking forward to another one of your ideas though.
Heres a question I got though, hentai, is it pernounced, like you said, "hent-eye", I thought it was pernounced "hent-ey".
Thanks for putting your effort into the flash, just put more in next time.
The crap drawing in the second part is intentional, it is made to look as if MTC (not me, the character) is drawing it.
Sorry man...But that was just not decent at all. The first bit was ok but then the part when it was just stupid drawings just was boring and bland.
Far from good. Keep practicing bro. Also work on your graphics. They need a serious boost.
The graphics are bad intentionally, they are supposed to be drawn by the MTCaptain character. Watch the rest of the Duder's flash and you will see that we are actually good and the crap is for artistic effect.