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Carbon's Day at SA 5

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It's holiday time at SheezyArt.

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I dont see why other people dont like these and you can seee this guys animations get better and better so all you hatrs cheeck out his nwer ones


Well, it's interesting to say the least. Nothing really special here pretty much spam. But it's the good kind of spam. At least it's watchable and kind of funny. The art style is badly drawn but that's on purpose I'm assuming. Overall, it's just a mere half a minute movie that just well, happened. That's as best as I can sum it up.


Animation style is average, and the drawing style is unique, however... it is not only too short, but lacks any real point, or in the case of purposely having no point, funny randomness.

Also, one thing you must do in the future, while I am a fast reader and could keep up, most people seem to have trouble with reading the fast messages, so it would work much better to have chat bubbles or something.

good but not great

this was fairly decent and if you keep working on it here's some suggestions:
actual voices-makes it seem cooler
new music- banjo kazooie is corny
longer length- too short
but over all i think it has potntial.

Could have been better

The characters were done nicely but the story kind of sucked. The main charactor should definitly come back in some thing a little more thought out. I did like the line "Its christmas some where"

Carbonwater responds:

I might make longer ones in the future.
I just might.

Credits & Info

3.37 / 5.00

Jul 7, 2007
1:01 PM EDT