That was pretty cool.
we may be new but we've gone though a couple intros already
That was pretty cool.
you guys shocked me there, u actually listened to everybody and put all of your random and blammed clips into a collab. that's respectable so I gave u a 2/5.
Goodie goodie
*Sigh* Goodie, goodie, another random object crew... Let me see how I can help...
I voted 3 on graphics, beceause I always look at the worst part. If you can't maintain a simmular graphic style throughout(Spelling?) the whole movie, then why should I do anything but? I can't grade you indivually..(But if I did Id say that seccound guy was the best of your...crew. I'd give him a 5 or 6.)
Style, well what can I say? Just a spinoff of Clock crew, and lock crew... or was it glock crew?
...I have no idea anymore, alls I know is that these crews are getting anoying, and its hard not to give you straight zeros for that matter.
All you crews are doing is tweening and reshapeing stuff... Thats not a style in my book, its lazyness...(Not saying I'm any flash god, expecially sence I don't have anything finished, however I'd rather have videos that consisted of more then an hour and thirty minutes work and some mediocre tweening and reshapeing.)
Sound, I have to give you a 3 again. All it is is music. Not even music thats set to the animations. Just music. Please work on that if you plan on realiseing more flash videos.
Violence I give a zero beceause I don't think thats what your going for in this animation.
Interactivity is the same as violence. It isent a game/interactive movie, so it shouldent have any interactivity points.
Humor, well the same as the last two. If you were going for humor...Well I didn't see it. Maby someone did, but to me it seemed like that wasent what you were trying to get accross.
Overall I'd have to say your crew has gotten to a bad start. Insted of worrying about introduceing your avitors, you shouldive been makeing the colab flash of the centuary! Well not nessicarly that big, but if you wana make a name for yourself, then you have to DO great things, not state who you are. People should know you for your flash, not for the guys who plastered crude drawings of CDs on misiclanious(Spelling again >.<' I need to sleep more often) itums.
Be careful about these Clock crewish imiges, you'll be judged preety quickly for it. I for one don't want to see what may be a good colab team go down due to iminge. Good luck, and please no more simple tweening movies.
Some of them are actually good, for a beginner...
I'm sure you will get there eventually, CD crew, just need some time to practice up and work on a full animation together...
Anyways, here's the review.
Graphics: some parts weren't shaded, some sprites did only one thing, keep on working on the Graphics guys (and gals, if there are any in the Crew) but it's a start...
Style: Sometimes very basic, keep working at it...
Sounds: Ok, so they weren't the best songs in the world for introductions, and there was no sound effects, but hey keep working at it...
Violence: N/A
Interactivity: N/A
Humor: None, doesn't really matter though...
i'm soz i ever spamed newgrounds!
I'll give this a 10! 4 sound because all crappy movies have cool music in them to make u vote 5!