I feel sorry for Chin. Also, I like the randomness.
Crimson Chin and Cleft Season 3 Episode 7
Note: This is the final episode of chin and cleft season 3
I feel sorry for Chin. Also, I like the randomness.
i can't believe i gave it a 4
i haven't seen the rest of the series ( if there is any more. )
if all you wanted was a five you might have made it a tad longer.
i think it was timmy turner that made vote so highly.
there is something worth while, so add to it and resub, dude.
it was a quick random laugh
graphics-were decent
style-kk flash always your own ideas
sound-great song to go with it i believe that was in the show
violence-penis soup is violent for the eyes and any soups out there
interactivty-a button!
humor-random funny kk flash humor.