that was funny too lol
nicce blog
Before you say it... yeah I realized that these were done back in September of Last year... but I've had a lot on the go... you know, new job, baby, etc. Hope you enjoy, Aqua Life 7 is coming along well... trust me, it shall be epic. So this is yet another thing to tide you over.
that was funny too lol
nicce blog
just awesome..............................
damn not the stupid CHECK THIS!!!!!!!!!
DUDE awesome idea, i love this
dude it has been so long, keep doing them! unless they are under another name @.@
i enjoyed this a lot, 5/5 and well deserved.
Mushu IS pretty damn cute ^.^ He has a cuteness factor (tm) of 1,000,000. I love it. You are teh pwnz0r.
Your blog idea is awesome. Good luck.