Eh, not the best.
These Frame by Frame, Black and White collaborations get quite boring after the whole 3 submissions. This honestly isn't even that good. It shows about four parts from the finished project, and it's so ..short.
Having previews of flashes, should just stay on the NG Alpha Mag. If you're going to post a preview, just keep it there. I've learned that in the past honestly myself.
If you wanted to express a preview to the public, host it on Denvish and show the people participating in the thread. I don't think it's necessary to submit it under another submission onto newgrounds.
Seems like you're just trying to just have another submission under your list, which I honestly don't quite like. Oh well, can't win these days.
I'll be checking out the finished product, hopefully it's longer and better than this. I'm not trying to be harsh honestly, but I really don't like the whole promo idea. I have a question too though, whats with the rockets in like every submission I saw in the thread? Ahah, well I guess I'm out.
Good luck with this collab.
Cheers !
Please stop making Black and White collabs. Don't kill the theme. Please. :] - Thank you.