cant believe yall are arguing down here about spelling a word jesus
You’ve taken the Enterprise Flyer to survey Raza Prime for any inhabitants. After your discovery of the colonists, you must let Starfleet know before they engage in decontamination of the planet. But because of the asteroid field, communications are down. How will you let Starfleet know to disengage their decontamination sequence?
cant believe yall are arguing down here about spelling a word jesus
I Spelled NO and the planet still got pounded.
Unless there is some other way to Spell -NO- that I am unaware of.
i did it in like 20 seconds its so easy to spell NO
Cant believe you guys cant figure it but a 12 YEAR OLD can
Spell out the word NO. Dumbasses
Fairly innovative
Even though the instructions are marginal at best, it's pretty easy to figure out what to do after a try or two. However, I can't seem to figure out how to give those dimwits on the station a clue. I tried for a cross as a no-no signal or an N for 'no' and in despair even made an arrow pointing at the planet all to no avail.
Instructions on what to do before the 60 second timer starts would help to actually do something useful on the first try instead of clicking randomly and let the colonists die but with the game as short as it is, the wasted try is probably bearable.
This could have been quite good if it had been one puzzle of a Star Trek game but standing alone I find it somewhat lacking.