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I have just finished some updates, I just put them online, I have made the health cost less, more ammo at start, and made the shooting for the first weapon a lot easier to hit things :D!

Another thing is that if you download it(this is for people with a laggy game) It will reduce the lag... (in order for the game to work you must have flash player 8 or better)

Thank you for your support!
I have put a download button in, and would like to know how that works... Also If you would give me any advice/problems/glitches, then please do :D

other wise enjoy!

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Firstly i applaud you for taking the time to add in updates, you see a lot of flash authors make promises as there flashes are going through judgment that they are going to update things and once they pass judgment are never updated again, so its great to see you care enough about the community and your own self improvement to want to make your game better. Onto your game, which was actually quite fun, i liked your design for the space shooter it looked retro and i thought the space background suited in well. The highlight of your game had to be the upgrades but i did notice a problem, that the user could use there ammo during the end of the level screen which was a bit strange. Overall a fun and simple game that i enjoyed.


This Is your sedond game right?

If this is your second game, then It is great... I see the improvements from the last one, But still too many space game... Also I would recommend maybe if you hit red asteroids you ose money, or something to that affect, maybe put a reason why if the asteroids pass you you lose health, make it to were you are trying to save mars or something!

nice one

lol... i liked more your other game, like i said space games arent original, but it still can be good if you have good graphics but your other game was a lot better, maybe because the rocks were all the same and not well drawed:P! but thats fine for a starter. maybe add different types of rocks. but in general it was really funny , with a bigger game play screen it would be better and a lot easier to start, then the rocks could come faster and faster. I just pitch that to make you some ideas for a number 2;)! great job

Xx-Assassin-xX responds:

Thanks, I know I have all of these ideas, but I didn't take the time to put them in :D


i liked it alot, i found my life slowly trickled down for no reason, but thzts a minor glitch i hope you alreadyknow about and are looking to fix, but still very fun.
= D
i love the music btw, i actually have some of the songs nyou use in both your games on my computer.
lol, keep up the good work.

Xx-Assassin-xX responds:

cool. Also the health goes down 1 point for every asteroid that passes otherwise you could just sit there and gain score :D

I need a story line behind it, I actually thought about making a second one, and making a story. This was originally going to be way different with a story behind it, but then I had changed my mind and for some reason made this :D

Pretty good

But, I gotta admit, that was pretty annoying that you lost your life so quickly and automatically. I only got to lv. 2 when my ship died on me {by itself}

Xx-Assassin-xX responds:

I know, These are weird glitches, I can't fix them, sometimes they do this most of the time they don't... but that is the first one I have heard of :(

Credits & Info

3.75 / 5.00

Jun 25, 2007
6:35 PM EDT