Sound -should- be good now.
Made this some time ago. It's the song 'Awake' by The Claypeople (which are Slipknot, Static-x and Disturbed). But the last two bands suck, so I like to think it's just Slipknot.
The music video is a series of recordings of the game Runescape by Jagex ltd., edited in flash, and with some graphical additions, in order to actually make it a music video. No amazing flash skills involved here, just a bunch of editing. Ah well, see for yourself.
your dumb
to think ANY one of thoes bands would make some thing evan close to that bullSh*t is retarted
Disturbed FTW
Disturbed is waaaay better than Slipknot and Static-x ¬¬
not even slipknot.
and for the comments
| Slipknot suck &
| slipknot and there freaks
dont even play like that! you both know slipknot way better. so up urs!!! :)
The claypeople has nothing to do with static x, slipknot or disturbed. -.-
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