Quite amusing
This was pretty funny, even if it was a little disturbing!
Quite amusing
This was pretty funny, even if it was a little disturbing!
Lol, I plan to do something..
Lol, nice video! I plan to watch more videos by you. Beware: This toilet may contain a snake which will bite your anus and kill you.
Had some moments
I didn't hate it but it needs some work. I think the timing is a bit off and the drawing was good but the animation was not as good. I thought the sound was well done so I give a 5/10 some good and some bad.
....although nothing extraordinary. Good idea though...yes i'm being polite. This sucked,..don't know if it was the timing or what,...but it laid a major egg. Good luck in your future endeavors though,...i'm just being honest man,..nothing personal.
"THAT SNAKE" was very funny
hey that was funny. word of advise if that maybe you could of start the story of a funny way how the snake got into the "pot" (toilet) in the first place. would make it very funny but u got my 5 newayz. good job