Looks like a hotel for everyone! :D Those special attacks were awesome, the kick/punch animation cracked me up the most for some reason. Fun puns, good animation, great voicing. Nice work!
Paris is my favorite celebrity x1000, she is famous solely because she's never done anything important without someone else's help. Why wouldn't the same be true behind bars?
THX 4 the Puncher reviews! Don't you know I love you guys?
Looks like a hotel for everyone! :D Those special attacks were awesome, the kick/punch animation cracked me up the most for some reason. Fun puns, good animation, great voicing. Nice work!
very offensive...
i loved it :)
'you gonna get big trouble in little china now, round eye!'
This is very funny
They should really have someone that does this that to Paris every time she says or does something stupid. All though if they really did have someone like that she may be dead by now. Then again a dead Paris Hilton may not be all that bad.
halyou are my new best friend
halarious (how do you spell that?) i waz laughing so hard. that waz awsome. "chop stick kick!" "dont mess with the richies bitch" you are a smart person my friend. very smart.
gee after playing it i ask a guy to fuck me!